Immuunsüsteemi kujunemine ning toitumise roll immuunkaitses

Immuunsüsteem on keha loomulik kaitsemehhanism, mis hoiab meid tervena, võideldes viiruste, bakterite ja teiste haigustekitajatega. See on keeruline ja dünaamiline süsteem, mis areneb kogu elu jooksul ning mille efektiivsus sõltub nii geneetikast, keskkonnast kui ka elustiilist. Üks olulisemaid tegureid immuunsüsteemi toetamisel on tasakaalustatud toitumine, mis varustab immuunrakke vajalike toitainetega.

10 üllatavat fakti tsingi kohta

Tsink on oluline mikroelement, mis on oluline kasvu, arengu ja immuunfunktsiooni säilitamise jaoks. Selle mõju jõuab kõikidesse organitesse ja rakutüüpidesse, moodustades ligikaudu 10% kõikidest ininorganismis olevatest valgulistest ühenditest ning hõlmates sadu olulisi ensüüme. Tsink on vajalik enam kui 300 ensüümi toimimiseks, mis aitavad kaasa ainevahetusele, seedimisele, närvide talitlusele ja paljudele muudele protsessidele. Lisaks on see kriitilise tähtsusega immuunrakkude arenguks ja toimimiseks.

Fiber as the foundation of strong health

Fiber is a key component of a healthy diet that is often underestimated but plays an important role in health. Did you know that increasing your fiber intake by two servings of whole grains each day can reduce risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 21%*?
So what exactly is fiber, why do we need it and where do we get it from? Read our blog below!

Chicory inulin – what it is and how it affects digestion?

Inulin is a soluble fiber found in many plants. Most of the inulin is in the chicory root, but it got its name from the Elecampane (Inula helenium) instead. Chemically, it is a fructan (a polymer of fructose molecules, i.e. many fructose molecules are linked together), which helps regulate metabolism.1,2 Inulin is not broken down in the small intestine but is food for bacteria living in the large intestine. Namely, inulin acts as a prebiotic for our intestines, i.e. it promotes the growth of healthy bacteria in the intestine and promotes the restoration of the balance of the microbial community.3,4 Bacteria living in the intestine turn inulin into simple sugars during decomposition and from there into short-chain fatty acids, which nourish and protect the epithelial cells of the colon and offer various other health-promoting effects.

Antioxidants: Why they are essential for health?

Antioxidants are one of the most important defense mechanisms in the body against the harmful effects of free radicals. Free radicals are compounds that can damage processes in the body if their levels in the body become too high. Excess free radicals are linked to several diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer. However, antioxidants are substances that protect our body against the development of chronic diseases. In this blog post, we will explore what antioxidants are, how they work, and what potential benefits they offer.

Essential Supplements to Take on Your Holiday Trip

Summer is the time of travel, and during trips, our diet and physical activity often deviate from the usual rhythm and routine. Depending on the destination, the food can also be completely different and there is a risk of getting stomach problems. To ensure that your long-awaited vacation is not spoiled by unexpected health problems, we recommend thinking through which supplements to take with you. Here is a list of essential supplements that we definitely recommend packing in your suitcase.

A guide to the world of diets

As the summer is ahead, many start the journey of losing weight and for some this journey is bumpy and not enjoyable. The first thought that usually comes to mind is that you need to eat less to lose weight. However, some look for information about the most popular diets and start testing them one after the other. In this article we give an overview of the most popular diets and analyze their pros and cons.

nutrislim blogi

NutrSlim with glucomannan

In NutriSlim capsules 18:1 Konjac’s root extract is used. This means that compared to the dried plant, the extract is 18 times stronger. In other words, less extract must be administered to obtain the same amount of dried plant. Therefore, instead of several capsules, one should be administered at a time. In addition to Konjac’s root with glucomannan, acacia fibers have been added to the capsule, which have similar functions to fiber and also have a positive prebiotic effect on the digestive system. 

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